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February 28, 2023

Dear ALL,

Allow me to start by expressing my profound and most sincere gratitude to you all, for your participation and donations towards the Help A Girl Stay In School (HAG-A-SIS)” Initiative.

We received overwhelming support from everybody and surpassed our target of raising a mere 500 packets for 450 girls by a landslide.

We are happy to report that we managed to donate up to 2,736 packets of pads to the girls in Mlolongo Primary School and St Augustine’s Mlolongo High School. We reached out to about 680 girls from both schools and each girl got 4 packets of pads, which we believe should suffice to help the girls throughout the remaining part of the year.

Further, we also managed to give the kids (both boys and girls) snacks (biscuits and sweets) which served as ice breakers and a great way to interact with them upon our arrival.

Both schools were very touched by the initiative and requested for even more support. It is, therefore, our hope that we will be able to carry on with this project at least once every quarter, with your kind support of course.

A special mention to the team that accompanied us to the schools on 11th October 2019, which coincidentally was the International Day of the Girl Child. Your concerted efforts towards making this project a success are much appreciated.

Kindly note, I also intend to roll out a brief report on the outcome of the initiative latest early next week – with pictures and a video.

In the words of Dr. Loretta Scott, “We can’t help everyone but…. Everyone can help someone”

By Elizabeth Kahito ( Ramco Plexus)