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October 1, 2017
ASL HFD: Introduces Learning Centre

ASL-HFD launched a “Learning Centre” for its employees in October 2017. The Learning Centre is a training tool with sessions conducted twice a month, where one engineer from ASL-HFD teaches a particular subject in fabrication using PowerPoint presentations and YouTube videos, after doing thorough research on the topic. During the interactive group discussions, workers are free to raise the technical problems they face in the field which engineers address. Some of the topics discussed include: what is stainless steel, welding procedures, fitting methods, polishing technologies, and the practical issues of tank manufacturing.

Mr Bala Murali, the CEO of ASL-HFD initiated the first session by discussing stainless steel. His in-depth knowledge of the topic was evident through the many unknown or unfamiliar facts about stainless steel he talked about.